Day 25: Added Newspaper to Compost

Day 25: Added Newspaper to Compost
Yesterday, I added food scraps to my compost. Today I balanced out the composting equation and added shredded newspaper.

According to, “An average yearly newspaper subscription (for example, the San Francisco Chronicle) received every day produces 550 pounds (250 kilograms) of waste paper per subscription per year. The average New York Times Sunday edition produces eight million pounds (3.6 million kilograms) of waste paper.”

Keep that paper out of landfills and compost it.

What was your simple green act for the day?

  • Mike Baldwin
    Can one compost other types of paper? If so, which? Are there any to avoid? Inks?
  • Mike Lieberman
    Thanks for the comment Mike. Here's a listing of things you can and cannot compost and check this

    Lemme know how it turns out.
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