Day 40: Unplugged Electronics When Not in Use

Day 40: Unplugged Electronics When Not in Use
Since I’m not spending the weekend in my apartment, I unplugged all of my electronics. But they are off, so they aren’t you using energy you say. Wrong.

The following is courtesy of the DailyGreen’s post, 3 Steps to Slay Energy Vampires and Save $100.

This is known as the “phantom load.” It’s the electricity that your home electronics demand even when switched “off” or otherwise not in use.

The biggest phantom loads in most homes come from televisions — particularly flat-screen plasma types — desktop computers and their ancillary equipment like printers and scanners, and stereo and sound system equipment.

It can all add up to about $100 a year in electricity charges, according to the EPA. Add up all Americans, and the phantom load accounts for $10 billion in energy costs ever year.

What was your simple green act for the day?

  • take a look at this plug:
    It has on and off options. Quite nice.
  • Wow that's pretty sweet. Thanks for passing along.
  • emilywilkes
    One thing that most people forget about is unplugging their phone charger when it's not in use. This can add to the phantom load.
  • Good call. Can easily walk around the house and unplug a million things - coffee makers, microwaves, toaster ovens, etc...
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